Ever wonder what keeps you from your most coveted desires? Ever wonder why some people’s dreams all seem to come true?
Do you wish for true happiness and to have a purpose? Do you get lost in negative or inadequate feelings? Do you feel that your life is not under your control but subject to external circumstances?
Then you came to the right place.
Being Magnificent is a program designed just for you!
If you want to live free, live fully, live at your highest potential, then join me in UNCOVERING your magnificence!
Discover your life purpose! Take the steps to enjoy your life! Learn to recognize your feelings as a compass to manifest your new life and reality! Wake up to the delicious feeling of expecting good things to happen to you!

The dragonfly symbolizes all that is important in magnificence training. The dragonfly is the symbol of transformation. It flies on the winds of change and brings messages of wisdom and enlightenment. It reminds us that anything that interferes with your magnificence is going to make you small. It empowers us to make the changes and clear the way for our own inner radiance to shine!
Magnificence training teaches a new way to see your life and how to manifest the best way to live it. Each one of us is entitled to be happy, it is our birthright. Magnificence training is focused on removing obstacles to your happiness.
When Michelangelo created his sculptures he chipped away all of the unnecessary marble, revealing his masterpieces. In this training we work together to do just that. I teach you how to stop negative thoughts that prevent you from attaining happiness and wholeness. We work on removing anything that interferes with YOUR magnificence, because all that does is make you small. We work on training your receptivity to happiness and success. Like a fine tuned weather instrument that feels the weather, your sensory system will learn to only receive good weather.
Imagine waking up in the morning and picturing a day that is filled with good things. Imagine having the wisdom to know if an obstacle appears that it is an invitation to focus on your destiny! Magnificence training teaches you how to manifest what you want in this physical plane and in your spiritual practice. It teaches you to listen to your inner voice and to know it’s validity!
Come join me in this delicious adventure called life. It is amazing when you realize that you can create your own experiences.
Individual therapy and life coaching. In person or Skype
Groups for empowerment and manifesting your dreams.
Online courses to eliminate obstacles to your happiness, and LIVE your magnificence.
Consultations for people with Lyme disease or other medical illnesses
Enjoy my posts to social media and my blog with advice and affirmations
Bite Me
“How Lyme Disease Stole My Childhood, Made Me Crazy, and Almost Killed Me”
by Ally Hilfiger
Ally was at a breaking point when she woke up in a psych ward at the age of eighteen. She couldn’t put a sentence together, let alone take a shower, eat a meal, or pick up a phone. What had gone wrong? In recent years, she had produced a feature film, a popular reality show for a major network, and had acted in an off-Broadway play. But now, Ally was pushed to a psychotic break after struggling since she was seven years old with physical symptoms that no doctor could explain;